Hello paddlers, we are happy to welcome you at presentation websites of the Campsite Branná. The campsite is situated on the right bank of the Vltava River in Southern Bohemia, halfway between Vyšší Brod and Český Krumlov, at the river kilometer 298. The location of the campsite is convenient not only for paddlers, who can stay there overnight when going down the Vltava River, but also for all other tourists who come to our place by car, by bike, on horseback or just come on foot.
V kempu Branná na Vás čeká přes 3,5 ha příjemného přírodního prostředí, ochotný personál a bohatá nabídka jídel
a nápojů v místní restauraci. V kempu má základnu Kanak – půjčovna lodí, jejíchž služeb můžete využít pro
vícedenní i jednodenní výlety po Vltavě.
Budeme se těšit na Vaši návštěvu.
Are you interested in what equipment we have prepared for you in this year´s season? Come and see, we have described everything and added more photos here.
View moreFor easier orientation in the Campsite Branná we have designed a plan. Individual sectors of the campsite are drawn and described here.
View moreWe have received several prestigious awards in a few years of the campsite operation. You will find all the results in this article.
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